Need help calculating paychecks? Use O.C.M.I.’s hourly paycheck calculator to determine withholdings and calculate take-home pay for your hourly employees.
Simply enter their federal and state W-4 information as well as their pay rate, deductions and benefits, and we’ll crunch the numbers for you.
Begin by selecting the state that your business operates, under “Select Your State”.

Next, under “Hourly Employee” - enter your employee’s hourly wage.

In the following box, click on the “up” or “down” button to indicate how many regular hours your employee worked during this pay period.

Should you choose to add any “overtime”, click on the button indicating that.

Following that, you can select the date that your employee will be paid.

In the next box, select how often your employee gets paid by clicking on the drop down button to choose an option.

Then fill out the home and work address information for local taxes to be collected.

Under the “Federal Taxes” enter the employee's federal tax filing and withholding status information which can be found on the employee's W-4. Under the drop down arrow, please select the employee's filing status.

The next section is “Benefits and Deductions”. Here you can add any deductions your employees have for benefits offered by your company. You can select the “Deduction Name” and “Deduction Method” by clicking on the drop down arrow, followed by the “Deduction Amount” box. There is also an option to add another deduction.

The next section is labeled “Fringe Benefits”. In this section, you can indicate whether your employees have received any additional “non-cash” benefits which are often taxable.

The final section is titled “Special Exemptions”, whereby you can select if your employees are exempt from any of the following taxes: Social Security, Federal Income Tax and Medicare.
After completing the whole form, click on the submit button.